My Story. My Work. My Mission.
As Seen On...
Thank you for being here.
I’m Shannon Moroney, a bestselling author, restorative justice advocate and therapist, known for my personal story of resilience through tragedy and my professional work with survivors of sexual assault and trafficking, and families of offenders. My latest book, “Heal for Real,” and other creative projects focus on the power of forgiveness and resilience.
Living in Toronto with my twin daughters, I combine my clinical expertise with a passion for justice, healing, and lots of creativity in both my professional and personal life.
Like many survivors of major trauma, my life has a BEFORE and AFTER
The day that changed everything—November 8, 2005—happened six weeks after my 30th birthday, on my one-month wedding anniversary.
I was attending a conference a couple of hours away from home and there was a knock at my hotel room door. When I answered, the police officer standing there said, “I’m not here because someone has died. I’m here about your husband, Jason. He was arrested last night and charged with sexual assault.”
My husband, my best friend, had violated two women at his workplace and then kidnapped them and taken them to our home. To the little house we’d bought and renovated together. To the house I thought I would take my babies home to. It was now surrounded by yellow crime scene tape and splashed on the front page of the newspaper under the headline, “Monster appears in court.” I was completely shattered.
In an instant, the trajectory of the next decade—my thirties—changed dramatically.
My twenties had been defined by adventure and learning through travel for education and my work in international development. At 29, I had settled into making a difference through local volunteer work and a dream role as a high school guidance counsellor, with the goal that my thirties would be hallmarked by motherhood and further career growth. Instead, I started my 30th year with tragedy, trauma, stigma and shame. My goal, at least at first, was mere survival. To actually live fully again would mean rebuilding my life in every way imaginable, navigating the complex grief of losing my husband to life incarceration, enduring the pain of being punished for “guilt by association” by my employer and community, overcoming PTSD and coping with the helplessness I felt toward the victims—all while bushwhacking my way through the justice system as both a direct victim of crime (voyeurism) and a collateral victim of crime (wife of the offender).
No one had a guidebook to give me, so I figured it out one step at a time, by trial and error. My resilience was tested at every turn, and over time I carefully placed (and sometimes misplaced) the shards of glass into a mosaic that I could accept, build a new life on and, one day, even find beautiful. When I arrived in a better and safer time, I wrote the book I’d needed in my darkest hour—Through the Glass—and with its publication came a reach far greater than I’d ever imagined. I transformed my voicelessness, vulnerability, violation and exposure to violence, and became vocal, validated, vindicated, valued and vibrant. Then, a new purpose emerged: To help others do the same.
The landscape of my life was made of broken glass. I had to make it safe to walk on again.
Through writing, speaking, visual art, facilitating workshops and leading retreats, I share my story all over the world and support others to process and share theirs. At home in Toronto where I live with my twin girls, I’m the founder and clinical director of Heal for Real Therapy and Consulting. My team and I specialize in treating survivors of sexual assault and trafficking, the family members of people who have offended sexually, and people on justice journeys. Our mission is to move our clients out of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and into PTSG (Post-Traumatic Super Growth). I’m a certified EMDR (Eye movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) clinician, and I employ art, writing and restorative justice modalities in the healing process.
In addition to my clinical work in private practice, I provide expert testimony in court, consultation on crime bills, and I guide lawyers, law enforcement and journalists to pursue trauma-informed practices. I’ve had the honour of being interviewed on countless podcasts and TV shows across Canada and internationally, including as a guest expert on Dr. Phil. I’m proud to be a regular guest expert on CTV’s Your Morning.
Since 2020, I have worked closely with dozens of survivors of disgraced fashion mogul Peter Nygard, who was convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault in Toronto in 2023 and still faces charges in other Canadian and American jurisdictions. My work as a therapist, advocate and spokesperson is featured in the CBC documentary Evil By Design: Surviving Nygard, the award-winning podcast by the same name, and Unseamly: The Investigation of Peter Nygard, available on Discovery+, Apple TV and Amazon Prime.
My sense of humour, sunny personality (so said the National Post), soul-source positivity, and boundless energy are the gifts I love to give to my family, friends, clients and community. Since my work is often quite gritty, my pastimes are pretty. I love to garden, bake cakes, throw parties, sing and play the guitar, and design beautiful spaces. One I was even featured on for the design of my writing studio! Pure fun.
I also find that fighting for justice and healing is best done wearing fabulous earrings, or that perfect shade of F-U-schia. What about you?
Tell us some fun facts
about you!
I was the only kid in my kindergarten class and I’m still in touch with my teacher. I place a deep value on education and lasting relationships. I’ve written a picture book called “The Only Kid in kindergarten” that I aim to publish one day.
At age 12, my friend and I earned enough money babysitting to buy ourselves plane tickets to Newfoundland for a summer vacation with her grandparents. This trip sparked my life-long love of travel.
In my late 20s, I rode my bike down the Pacific Coast from Victoria, BC to San Francisco. I learned everything about resilience, perseverance and overcoming obstacles that I would soon need to overcome major trauma.